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tv   Fox Morning News  FOX  February 7, 2013 9:00am-10:00am EST

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dulles 32 degrees and bwi marhsall 32. temperatures across the region here at or below freezing. here's your satellite radar. storminess off to the north and west and developing area of low pressure. they are going to phase together off of the peninsula during the day tomorrow and bring a wide array of weather including a possibility of a wintery mix ea and transition to rain and perhaps a transition back to snow late in the day as the whole system wraps up. we'll have more details on that coming up in a couple minutes. be concerned with our thursday and today cloud cover and cool temperatures only about 40. 30s if you are north and west. 43 in fredericksburg. that's the latest on your weather. lots more details in just a moment. tony, back to you. >> thank you, sir. the big story this morning, president obama agrees to release a
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classified document providing the rational for drone strikes targeting american terrorism suspects overseas. >> the legal memo will no doubt be a hot topic during today's confirmation hearing for the new cia director. melanie alnwick is live on capitol hill with the details now. good morning. >> reporter: good morning once again. john brennan is described as the architect of that drone program. this is a force of remotely controlled planes that have launched hundreds of targeted strikes against al-qaida targets even americans. president obama's nominee to head the cia is the former ief white house counter terrorism advisor under his watch. became the first american targeted for death by u.s. drone strikes in yemen. his son and another american killed weeks later. an unclassified memo leaked this week says it is legal for the
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government to kill u.s. citizens abroad if he believes there are leaders engaged in operations aimed at killing americans even if there's no evidence of a specific imminent attack. 11 senators most of them demanded the white house provide legal justification. there is bipartisan concern about the program. >> here you have a senior unaccountable doj official who makes the determination that recent activities lead him to conclude he's an imminent threat. not to torture him but to kill him. i am troubled any time government is as nontransparent as this. >> we conduct those strikes because they are necessary to mitigate on going national threats. and again, save american lives. these strikes are legal. they are ethical and they are wise. >> at the direction of president obama, the justice department will give that secret memo to members of the house and senate
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intelligence committee. they'll have time to review it before those senate confirmation hearings begin at 2:30 this afternoon. tony and allison. >> melanie, thank you. >> the armed services committee will not vote on chuck hagel's confirmation. at least not today. president obama picked hagel to be next defense secretary. scheduled for today but postponed yesterday. demanding more answers about his finance. specifically want more information on more than $5,000 in speaking fees that he received over the last five years. >> the current defense secretary will testify at another hearing this morning on capitol hill. give more details about the attack on the u.s. consulate in benghazi. ambassador chris stevens and three others were killed. hear from starting one
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hour from now. in the meantime, secretary panetta is raising the flag on defense cuts that could leave the military at least prepared level in a decade. the pentagon announced wednesday it has approved cutting the aircraft carriers from 2 to 1. the move will save millions of dollars each year. despite his opposition, some analysts say the move is logical. >> so all it does is temporarily at times reduce our standing cape ability to launch a preemptive strike. so if we change our mind we can change the policy. >> budget issues are forcing carriers to stay at sea longer for nine instead of 6. >> attracted hundreds of protestors yesterday. governor martin omalley is calling for a
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ban on military type rifles increasing licensing fees and requiring training in order to own a gun. the governor believes his plan will prevent dangerous people from owning the guns. republicans say it punishes the wrong people. also in maryland, a push to increase the number of early voting centers. the early voting access act will be considered today and if passed would allow more early voting centers during primary elections. comes after voters were forced to wait in line for hours to cast their ballot during the presidential election in november. >> i you like receiving mail on saturdays you need to cherish these last few months. as we told you yesterday, the u.s. postal service plans to eliminate saturday deliveries in august. some members of congress say the post master does not have the authority to make such a drastic move. already sent a letter to the
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post master general and u.s. attorney general claiming this move can't be made by the postal service. representative connoley joins us now. good morning how are you today? >> good morning. >> i read your letter and tell our viewers what specifically you are concerned about here. you say the post master can't just say they are going to stop the mail. >> does not have the constitutional or legal authority to make this decision. congress has made that clear. the postal service is the only service mandated by article 1 of the constitution. it has a special status. congress has had explicit language in law that says it's got to be six days. if we're going to change that two things must happen. must come to congress to seek legal authority to do that and secondly, he's going to have to make a case for why the savings will not be outweighed by the
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revenue loss. and that's what he has failed to do in both cases. >> and we do hear this figure kind of bounced around that it could save $2 billion a year or something like that but your point is? >> he's going to lose revenue. he had a study that showed a 7% loss of first class volume which would be triggered by this decision leads to a $5 billion loss in revenue. he's not talking about that part of it. >> the post office is in bad shape. why would the post master want to do something that will cost the post office more money? >> well, i don't think he has really done the empirical study that is required to go through a comprehensive set of reforms. we need a new business model and he agrees with that. doing this piece could do more harm than good. that's my concern. not that we can't
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reform or shouldn't reform the post office. we need to be thoughtful and need to move based on evidence not on hunches and tuition or conventional wisdom. >> most of the surveys i've seen say that most americans are, you know, fairly comfortable with losing postal deliveries on saturday. if the post master goes through the proper process, would you support cutting mail deliveries on saturdays? >> if he can make a case for it, i'm certainly open to it. so far, he has absolutely failed to do that. >> so with your letter to the post master general and the attorney general, what happens now? does this affectively stop what he wants to do? >> i certainly hope so. he's going to have to make his case he has the legal authority. i can tell you, does building resistance to this move based both on the legal authority argument and on the lack of any
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empirical evidence. >> special status being in the first amendment of the constitution. >> first article. >> first article. does the post office does that model really even work any more with the increased competition? can it work? >> well, i think we can create a model that works. remember you cited the fact the post office is losing money. $11 billion is to the foot on post office that's a ridiculous requirement. 75 years of healthcare benefits for your employees in a ten year period. no one else on the planet has that requirement. and if we alleviated that burden to a more reasonable burden required of any other corporation, we would alleviate 11 of the $15 billion problem. >> all right. thank you very
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much congressman for your insight into that issue. we appreciate it. >> thank you. >> allison. >> a deadly accident tops our other stories this morning. maryland state police tell us 39-year-old zuberry brown died when a car hit him late last night. he was walking on route 301 and not in a crosswalk. it happened just before 1:00 a.m. the driver of the car that hit brown did stay on the scene. and a man remains in critical condition this morning after his car collided with a freight train. the car was badly damaged. police believe the driver tried to speed across the tracks and beat the train when the accident happened. no one on the train was hurt. a virginia deli owner is recovering after his store attacked.
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the owner received only minor burns though. police are searching for a suspect but not sure if the device was carried or tossed into the deli. police aren't saying if the store was targeted by may have been gang related. celebrating black history month. meet a local man who has been a witness to history for three decades and all been aboard air force one. >> and high speed car chase ends in a firey crash. why this person was on the run ahead. >> first though, we'll have to wait a few months to know if the boy scouts of america will allow gay members and troop leaders. why the organization is waiting to make a decision. >> and a successful calvin klein model is putting his career on hold. find out what he's pursuing instead on the other side of the break. it's 9:11. [ male announcer #1 ] verizon fios
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is the fastest internet in america. just ask pc mag. [ male announcer #2 ] cable can't touch fios upload speeds. it's hard to imagine anyone ever beating fios. there's no doubt fios is the fastest in the country. [ male announcer #1 ] after 110,000 speed tests, nothing came close to fios. now, get fios internet, tv and phone including a free upgrade to supercharged fios quantum internet speed. all for our best price online: just $94.99 a month for 2 years. plus, get $250 back
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with a two-year agreement. or get your free upgrade at the same great price with no annual contract. fios is 100% fiber-optic. that's why it's america's fastest, most consistent, most reliable internet... with no usage caps. switch to fios for just $94.99 a month and get a free upgrade to fios quantum... plus $250 back with a two-year agreement. visit there's nothing like fios. and as pc mag says: [ male announcer #2 ] if it's available, you should get it.
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fiber one. uh, forgot jack's cereal. [ jack ] what's for breakfast? um... try the number one! yeah, this is pretty good. [ male announcer ] over a third of a day's fiber. fiber one. ♪ shimmy, shimmy chocolate. ♪ shimmy, shimmy chocolate. ♪ we, we chocolate cross over. ♪ yeah, we chocolate cross over. ♪ [ male announcer ] introducing fiber one 80 calorie chocolate cereal. ♪ chocolate. take a moment to look at your screen right now. this is a high speed car chase in los
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angeles coming to a dramatic end when the car hit a barrier and burst into flames. the man was driving drunk. the boy scouts have delayed a decision on whether to admit gay members. decided to uphold the ban. the boy scouts will consult with troops across the nation to determine the best course of action. leaders say they support the ban but more than a people signed a petition to overturned that ban. >> harsh words to chris christie from a former doctor who commented on his weight. >> if she wants to get on a plane and come here and ask to examine me and review my medical history, i'll have a conversation with her. until that time, she should shut up. >> the doctor told cnn she would like to see the new jersey run
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for president but worried he would quote die in office because he's so heavy. the 50-year-old who earlier this week poked fun at his waist line called her comments irresponsible and upsetting to his family. >> a texas high school student is putting his very successful modeling career on hold to pursue his dream of playing football. yesterday senior miles crosby signed letter of intent to play at southern meth distouniversity. but in doing so he has chosen not to continue modeling career. once he graduates college he hopes to pick modeling back up. >> someone in virginia hit the power ball jackpot for $217 million. a ticket matching all 6 numbers was sold in the richmond area. the numbers drawn last night are on your screen now. they are 5, 27, 36, 38, 41 and the power ball number
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was 12. the jackpot is the second largest ever won with the tickets sold in the commonwealth. >> congratulations whoever that is. february is black history month and we are introducing you to local african americans who are definitely leaving their mark. >> this morning we meet a man who help keep presidents safe. wasn't in the secret service but a very important job. here is fox 5's beth parker. when this fresh face young guy joined the air force not have imagined what he could see. >> laura bush in the gray. and president bush in the background there. >> three presidents in fact. >> clinton, george bush w and president obama. >> retired master craig stewart spent 24 years in the air force. 13 of those on air force one.
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>> doesn't matter if it's the president or signing your daughter or your mom. >> he has seen a lot of the world while making sure all is right with the most famous 747. >> if there's an issue before the airplane. >> sometimes you don't see your hotel room. sometimes a crew chief that can a little break like on trips to rome. >> there are actually two identical 747s. >> sometimes when you walk in and see both those planes, it's one of those things where you can get used to it now and again it kind of hits you and sets you back to that first day. wow. these things are awesome . >> the crew sits in a different area from the plane. >> how's the food? >> good. >> better than commercial airline food? >> oh, yeah. >> this is an actual window? >> yes, it is. one of the
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things they do for the guys when they retire. >> recalls the most emotional moment. president obama's visit to ghana. first african american u.s. president in africa. >> once he stepped out and made his way from just outside the door, everybody just went crazy and the drums started and the dancing started going. >> craig stewart was standing on the tarmac witnessing history. beth parker fox 5 news. >> that is a cool job. >> sure is. >> coming up next, emails and phone calls off the clock. should you be paid for it? are you technically working. the lawsuit one city is facing ahead. >> plus the unusual way an nfl star proposed that's receiving criticism. first it's time to check in with holly. >> reporter: how do you teach your kids to stand up to bullies? you might start the lesson here at imagination stage where we
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are live and anime momotaro is coming to life on stage. it is a japanese animated cartoon that does come to life and teach such important lessons. coming up live we're going to talk about how to do it and why this is a particularly exciting time here. all live later on fox 5 morning news. news. >> as we take you to break, true love can last forever. ask john and ann. the couple has been married for 80 years. the longest married couple in the united states and dad had arranged a marriage for her but she eloped with john before that could happen. and following her heart gave her a life time of happiness and memories she's still enjoying. the couple has five grandchildren, 14 grandchildren and 16 great grandchildren. we'll be right back. ♪
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[ female announcer ] at yoplait, we want you to feel even better about your favorite flavors. so when you call, tweet, and post, we listen. that's why yoplait light and yoplait original are now made with no high fructose corn syrup. and why we use only natural colors and natural flavors in yoplait original. so, anything else we can do for you, let us know. but you'll keep it to yogurt, right? 'cause we shouldn't really help with your love life. yoplait. it is so good!
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chances are you've had a few phone conversations or answered a few e-mails while off the clock. so should you be paid for it? a chicago police sergeant says yes and suing for back pay. we asked our facebook fans to weigh in. if i got paid for that i'd be retired by now. okay. good. de nise says i used to do that in my previous job but not now. realized my off time is my time. sometimes working extra is not appreciated. but a lawsuit is not necessary. she writes if it's work related, they should be paid. if it's not it's called volunteering. search fox5 morning news to leave your answer. >> and it was me. a celebrity engagement is trending on the web because of how the man proposed.
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chicago bears quarterback jake cutler sent long time girlfriend a text suggesting they should get married and he mailed her a ring. a wedding date has been set for this year but remain a secret. what is the controversy that he mailed the ring? >> i guess. there's some private joke between them or something. something about that. >> why are we all in it? sure it's easy to pick up a box of chocolates. making them themselves. getting tips from a pro. it's not as hard as it looks. >> desserts coming up next. >> all right. but first, here's a live look outside. there's a coastal storm that's developing. it might impact us and new england is bracing to get
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slammed. tucker tells us what we can see. it's 9:25. we'll be right back . . ♪ [ female announcer ] at yoplait, we want you to feel even better about your favorite flavors. so when you call, tweet, and post, we listen. that's why yoplait light and yoplait original are now made with no high fructose corn syrup. and why we use only natural colors and natural flavors in yoplait original. so, anything else we can do for you, let us know. but you'll keep it to yogurt, right? 'cause we shouldn't really help with your love life. yoplait. it is so good!
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but when i cook up some beef, ketchup, relish and cheese, cover it with crescent dough and pow! cheeseburger crescent casserole. double awesome. pillsbury crescents. let the making begin. here's a better idea. pillsbury grands! flaky layers biscuits in just 15 minutes the light delicate layers add a layer of warmth to your next dinner. pillsbury grands biscuits let the making begin.
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i just served my mother-in-law your chicken noodle e soup but she loved it so much... i told her it was homemade. everyone tells a little white lie now and then. but now she wants my recipe [ clears his throat ] [ softly ] she's right behind me isn't she? [ male announcer ] progresso. you gotta taste this soup. of green giant vegetables it's easy to eat like a giant... ♪
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and feel like a green giant. ♪ ho ho ho ♪ green giant well, it is a busy day ahead for stores in the northeast. people are bracing for a foot, possibly up to 2 feet of snow in the northeast. road crews already are working to keep the roads to getting slick as the storm moves in tonight and tomorrow morning. >> what do we need to know? >> in that part of the world needs to move in tomorrow during the way. around here, let's talk with local affects. i don't think we'll see the brunt of it. but you got to be careful. they wobble a little here or there and changed a lot. just looking at the latest trends here. we're getting guidance as we speak and new
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york city might be getting a pretty good bander of snow as well. >> got to keep watching it. >> got to keep watching it. no issues today and there won't be many issues here. it looks like ain ra event for us. 34 right now in washington. 34 in leonard town. going to be a chilly afternoon. high temperatures with all the clouds only about 40 degrees or so. 28 in frederick. 32 in winchester. again, very cool condition s expected up ahead of this developing storm system. kind of a 1, 2 combination. clouds will be with us throughout the day. storm number one, storm number two taking shape here in the south. this is going to pushup the eastern sea board and off the carolina coast overnight tonight and during the way tomorrow.
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we call this phasing. these storms are going to come together into a monster nor easter. the thinking is that phasing will take place too late for the washington area to see a whole lot of anything. it's going to be a close call. keep an eye on this forecast later today and tonight. that's where the bull's-eye will likely become. they are expecting heavy snow up there. we are talking about a couple feet of snow. boston and providence. vermont and new hampshire. something we haven't seen . during the afternoon tomorrow, tomorrow night and early saturday. no issues at all today. notice we're getting nothing. and then late tonight, early tomorrow tomorrow, there we are at 5:00 a.m. starting to see rain. that potential again for a wintery mix could be sleet and freezing rain and snow on
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the on set. a whole system slides up the coast during the daytime hours tomorrow. and notice tomorrow night at 9:00, getting a wrap around moisture. might get late snow here. wintery mix transitioning on train and rain for us during the day may be transitioning back to winter weather by late in the storm here. late friday night and early saturday. blizzard conditions expected to our north. be prepared for a real winter storm. becoming cloudy. very cool this afternoon . average daytime high in the mid 40s. wintery mix rain arriving late tonight. so no issues if you are going to be out driving late tonight even north and west. there's your 7 day forecast. could transition over to a period of snow late in the day tomorrow and blustery and cold even with sunshine. winds will be blowing 30 or 35 miles per hour on saturday. and then we're going to warm it up. sunday, sunshine near 50. that's a look at your weather.
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allison, cup date in a couple minutes. >> in the meantime i'm going to medicate myself with chocolate. want to make valentine special for your sweetie? our next guest saying chocolate is an art but something that can be fun to make and give as a gift. sarah is the owner. and it smells great. and you look so lovely. >> thank you. we match. >> it's very pretty over here in studio b today. welcome to the show. >> thank you. >> first i got to say though, you weren't always this chocolate-tier. >> no. you were in the >> you were in the banking industry. >> not much of a switch. banker to baker. >> all right . we're glad. where is your shop
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? >> at the montgomery county farmer's market. and also at bethesda elementary. >> it's where i get most of my jewelry. >> chocolates and jewelry and flowers for valentine's day. >> one stop shopping. you say we can do this. and i say can we really? >> i think what changes someone from a good or so-so cook is a sauce. so you could make a browny, buy ice cream and if you pull out your caramel sauce, you are kind of a rock star when you do that. the most important part is starting with a good ingredient and follow a couple good ingredients. >> you spent time over in france? >> i did. i went to paris to learn how to do this. >> you are going to show me something and talk about how we can do this.
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>> it's vanilla bean caramell sauce. one thing i learned in france is to get a vanilla bean out easily. you can buy them in most grocery stores. if you flatten it and stick the knife in carefully and slice it open like that. you scrape the bean. you can take this and put it into the cream. >> and the other part to making carame l is the sugar part. >> not with this but crystallize. >> didn't stir it enough. you don't have to stir any more. the cream is all set. salt makes good things . >> is this one sweet?
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>> this one is salt. >> good question. just put a pinch in. >> more? >> a little bit more. >> what i've done over here is precooked the sugar into caramel. all in here was sugar and water and a tiny bit of lemon juice. >> was it brown sugar? >> it was not. >> turned into this brown beautiful liquid. the key is you want it to get to the color of a penny. that's the important part. but if you get to the point when it starts to get a little darker, take it off heat and just add the butter. and the butter will melt really quickly. >> would you like me to whisk that? >> yes, you can whisk that. it will melt. >> all right. >> all right. >> it's already -- >> it's already and already looks like caramel. >> carame l is my favorite.
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i could drink this whole thing myself. >> once that's in, pour in the cream. pour that in. >> while i whisk as you pour? >> whisk and pour. >> i cooked this earlier so it wasn't hot. if you were doing this at home, wait a little bit. the best thing you can do, keep whisking and how pretty is that? >> very pretty. >> as i whisk, you specialize in artisan chocolate. what is that? >> that means they are all hand made. i have a group of helpers in the kitchen. every single chocolate i make every batch of caramel. one of the reason is have you ever bought a box of acourted chocolates what do they steal? >> the caramel. >> every box i make is just caramel. >> i love you. >> i love you too. >> vanilla beans, you can do
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almost anything. >> we got to go. coming back with the buzz bin. we'll be right back . >> do i talk too much? >> no, i love it.  [ mom ] dear chex cereal, i just had to write. you can't imagine how long i've been searching for something like this for my family. i'm amazed you make so many great flavors that are gluten free. my guys are crazy for chocolate chex and honey nut chex. for me, it's cinnamon. it means a lot to be able to give them something that's good for them, that also puts smiles on their faces. 'cause i really love those smiles. we're the harris family. and we love chex. [ male announcer ] love chex?
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connect with us on facebook. ♪ i'm halfway to your heart ♪ you have to let me know ♪ so i don't make my worst mistake ♪ ♪ turn around and let you go [ female announcer ] when sweet and salty come together, the taste is irresistible. made with sweet, smooth peanut butter and salted, roasted peanuts. sweet and salty nut bars by nature valley.
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nature at its most delicious.
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you may have heard about the big bruce willis die hard marathon going on all day february 13th. five die hard movies back to back including the new one a good day to die hard. if you think you are tough enough to take in all that action, here's how you can win a ticket. >> go to's facebook page. not ours but maks and like it. and go to fox 5's web site and fill out on the online entry form for the die hard marathon give away. you have to do both to be eligible to win. 25 winners will be chosen by
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random drawing and each receive one ticket to the big die hard marathon on february 13th. you have to be 18 or older to enter and see the complete rules on our web site. just a note for you fox 5 morning news facebook fans, that is not the page we need you to like for this give away. it's the's facebook page. the parent to our facebook page, if you will. just a few days before hollywood rolls out the red carpet for the 55th annual grammy awards, one of the events main stars is -- oscars. >> oscars on tour, everybody. >> the 8.5 pound golden statues is hitting cities across the country and stopped by earlier this morning. you can follow the journey on the let oscar know what to do in each city. he will be in front of the white house and tonight at the lamiridian hotel beginning at
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5:00. up close and in person. >> so pretty. ahead using puppets to teach kids. >> holly morris is taking us to imagination stage for a japanese tale. >> derek thomas is here to show us how to make something thoughtful and creative. there's a theme. >> that's right. part b. and as we take you to the break. it is valentine's day. you have a theme ask allison? send it to me. we need your questions so we can answer them tomorrow during the mighty 9:00 hour. to submit your questions, head to and click on the morning tab. 9:43. stay with us. more to come. ♪
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[ female announcer ] at yoplait, we want you to feel even better about your favorite flavors. so when you call, tweet, and post, we listen. that's why yoplait light and yoplait original are now made with no high fructose corn syrup. and why we use only natural colors and natural flavors in yoplait original. so, anything else we can do for you, let us know. but you'll keep it to yogurt, right? 'cause we shouldn't really help with your love life. yoplait. it is so good! [ male announcer ] once you've got verizon fios internet, you get it, the difference 100% fiber optics makes. but don't take our word for it, ask a real fios customer. ask me about the upload speeds. they're sick! [ male announcer ] so go online today and send a tweet to a real fios customer, and they'll tell you themselves just how amazing fios really is. [ female announcer ] so get it now and see for yourself.
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where do babies come from? that's the question. well, they come from oranges. and now, japanese town must protect the baby from ogres. >> come to life at the imagination stage and that is where we find our girlfriend holly this morning. >> reporter: they come from peaches. baby comes from peaches. >> here it says oranges. >> have you been listening? it is anime momotaro. use your imagination. because they are super excited here, last week they were nominated from 10 helen hayes awards. we show cased that live right here. they do great things here. and that's why we're back here show
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casing what they are doing currently. it is called anime momotaro. and the costume designer and not everyone can rock an ogre outfit. i'm doing my best. >> i think you look pretty good. >> bringing a japanese cartoon to life must be fun. >> it's great. we looked at everything from anime cartoons and fashion. >> no one is currently wearing this are they? >> you never know. in japan, anything can happen. >> as a could say tomb designer not only do you have to bring the story to life, has to be functional. >> absolutely. these guys also you probably figured it out. they are playing the monkey, the bird and the dog. their costumes have to be able to come off and go on in a flash. it's amazing. >> your work is amazing. it's evident here. so you've got the costumes and bring them to life.
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let me introduce you to the three ogres. it's an intimidating bunch. i want to chat with you all real quickly. they are the bullies that your kids will learn to stand up against. what's it like to be an ogre? >> it's the best. it's a wonderful feeling. you take up a lot of space and speak loudly. >> you take advantage of kids. how do you feel good about yourself? >> well, they are small and they come in masks. they could stand up and like squirrels. >> here's the most important question. we'll call you purple ogre. what takes down an ogre? as a kid, how can i stand up to you? what are ogre's most afraid of? >> flowers and kindness can get us a little bit. >> we hate flowers.
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>> no, no, no. kindness does win out . i want to learn to be an ogre this morning. and i sense you are the leader of the pack. >> it's true. first thing i want you to do holly is your toes are pointing out 10 and 2 maybe. and your hands are flowing free. >> we only have so much time. okay. great. then you want to stomp. you wind it up and go -- excellent. all right. and you see what happens when you do that. >> we've only got 30 seconds. make sure we get this in. >> i'm going to toss that to you. >> excellent. >> i'm going to hand it over. you all take it away. the bullies, the o
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gres do a fight seen. playing here at imagination stage. they do say it's best for kids age #5z to 10. $12 to $25. get your tickets online at the box office or via phone. is our web site. we have a link. come out and enjoy . >> all right. thank you very much. a few moments ago we talked about making your own chocolates. how about thinking beyond the usual flowers or box of chocolates when you make something from the heart it shows your sweetie you are thinking of him of her and put effort into it. derek thomas is here to tell us how we can maybe make this a little more personal. >> rather than just going and picking it up.
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you can grab something but it's a lot more personal and if you want to do something like a bouquet like this. say you completely forget you have a week, guys, before valentine's day. you can go buy something like that and all of these wonderful displays were from johnsons. you can buy something like that ready made or do something like this. this orchid is neat. it's been trained like a heart and one thing guys, don't take it home like this. take a moment. and this is what i'm trying to give a little education. take a moment to clean up those leaves. guy or girl is going to appreciate it. >> this is towel with water on it. >> absolutely. what if you want to get more involved. what you can do is if you buy it like that in a grower's pot. what if we simply put it into a clay
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planter and now it's a finished piece. so give a little bit of thought. >> i want you to put together a rose bouquet. i've got the water there. i'm going to stick dried moss in here. that's going to help hold the plant. what you want to do is fan them out. >> i cut at an angle. >> the reason we cut at an angle is it gives you more of a space. more of a space and then as soon as you cut instantly put it into the water. people use with the bleach and all of that stuff. you really don't need to do that. >> bleach? >> yeah, i've heard a lot of stuff people say to use. yeah, that you can take off. what you want to do is make yourself a nice display here.
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>> am i not moving fast enough? >> you are just starting. you are putting your stamp. >> she'll know this is from me, that's for sure. >> how about this inspiration garden. this is a beautiful inspiration garden. if you want to, why not get you and your honey involved together. the planter is the priceiest piece. it's about $50. you can get the plants, put those in there like that. >> oh, yeah. that's how it's coming together. >> and take this arailia and pop that into the middle. take a little bit of moss. this can become a project you can work on together. and you end up with a really nicely put together arrangement that you've worked on together. and you can enjoy. >> and you did that in 45 seconds. >> yeah.
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so not only the dinner. >> still got to take them to dinner? i'm kidding. >> yeah, come on now. >> and guys, say you got that bouquet and said i don't have a vessel to put that in, lift this up. this is a water pitcher. you get home, you don't have anything to put it in. don't use the plastic take out recycled container. think it out. tick it up a notch. you can reuse it once you are done, clean it out. your sweetie will love you. >> where's the water pitcher? thank you very much. that's great. >> just make it valentine's day a union. >> thank you very much. we will be back with more in just a moment. stay with us. derek thomas. . ♪
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9:59 am
this adorable cutie may look like an angel but don't let him fool you. this picture or mug shot was taken by oregon police after he was taken into custody. the crime? stealing pizza. a woman found isaac barking in the back of her van eating the family's pizza. the funniest part is his collar read don't mess with my food. isaac snuck out of his family's yard but now been reunited. don't know if he will be brought to trial. >> he's a dog being a dog. >> well, speaking of which. lady bird. >> are you going to tell this story? >> no, not going to tell you that one. >> she's a little adventurous. we keep patching up and goes under the fence. last night brought a friend home.


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